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The natural language processing (NLP) module enables Roboy to process and understand the human language. That way he can interpret the meaning of the detected sentences.
We use a free, open-source NLP library for advanced NLP in Python: spaCy

You can find some hands-on examples here.

Extracted Features

Feature Ravestate Properties/Signals Description Example Sentence: 'Revolutions need six fancy chickens!'
Tokenization nlp.prop_tokens Segmenting text into words, punctuation marks etc. 'Revolutions', 'need', 'six', 'fancy', 'chickens', '!'
Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging nlp.prop_postags Assigning word types to tokens 'NOUN', 'VERB', 'NUM', 'ADJ', 'NOUN', 'PUNCT'
Detailed POS Tag nlp.prop_tags Fine-grained part-of-speech 'Revolutions' has the tag: 'NNS', which stand for: noun, plural
'need' has the tag: 'VBP', which stands for: verb, non-3rd person singular present
List of POS tags
Lemmatization nlp.prop_lemmas Assigning the base forms of words 'Revolutions' has the lemma: 'revolution'
'was' would have the lemma: 'be'
Named Entity Recognition (NER) nlp.prop_ner Labelling "real-world" objects ("NE"=Named Entity) 'six' has the NE: 'CARDINAL', which are numerals that do not fall under another type
List of NEs
Triple Extraction nlp.prop_triples A triple consists of subject, predicate, object of sentence Triple: subject: 'Revolutions', predicate: 'need', object: 'chickens'
About Roboy nlp.prop_roboy Detecting whether sentence is about Roboy 'you', 'roboy', 'robot', 'roboboy', ...
Yes-No nlp.prop_yesno Detecting answers to yes-no questions Checking for 'yes', 'no', 'i don't know', 'probably', 'probably not' and synonyms of these
Sentence Type: Question nlp.sig_is_question Emitted if the input sentence is a question
Play Game nlp.sig_intent_play Emitted when the interlocutor wants to play a game input: "I want to play", "I like games" or something similar

Additional features can be added and published to the system. All existing features can be found here.

Using the Features

React to Property Change

Each feature is stored in a ravestate property. A state which wants to access a property needs read permissions for that property.

Example: State that reads the "yesno" property

import ravestate as rs
import ravestate_nlp as nlp
import ravestate_rawio as rawio

    cond=nlp.prop_yesno.changed(),  # state reacts to a change in the 'yesno' property
    read=nlp.prop_yesno,  # state is allowed to read the 'yesno' property
    write=rawio.prop_out)  # state is allowed to write to the output property
def postive_chicken(ctx: ContextWrapper):
    if ctx[nlp.prop_yesno].yes():
        ctx[rawio.prop_out] = "You seem to be a positive chicken!"

React to Signals

For 'Sentence Type: Question' a signal is emitted.

Example: State that reacts to the "is-question" signal

import ravestate as rs
import ravestate_nlp as nlp
import ravestate_rawio as rawio

    cond=nlp.sig_is_question,  # state reacts to the is-question signal
    write=rawio.prop_out)      # state is allowed to write to the output property 
def curious_chicken(ctx: ContextWrapper):
    ctx[nlp.prop_out] = "You seem to ask a lot of questions, chicken!"

Using the Triples for Sentence Analysis

The triple extraction is done in by using the dependency tree of the sentence. A dependency tree shows the relation between the words of a sentence. The finite verb (predicate) is the structural center of the sentence and therefor of the tree. So starting with the predicate the algorithm searches through the dependency tree to find subject and object.

Analyzing a Sentence

Example: 'Chickens like revolutions' reaction state Triple: subject: 'Chickens', predicate: 'like', object: 'revolutions'

import ravestate as rs
import ravestate_nlp as nlp
import ravestate_rawio as rawio

    cond=nlp.prop_triples.changed(),  # state reacts to a change in the 'triples' property
    read=nlp.prop_triples,  # state is allowed to read the 'triples' property
    write=rawio.prop_out)  # state is allowed to write to the output chanel 
def postive_chicken(ctx: ContextWrapper):
    triple = ctx[nlp.prop_triples][0]  # gives you the first Triple object
    # check predicate and object correspondingly
    # match_either_lemma() is a method in the Triple class 
    if triple.match_either_lemma(subj={"chicken", "dinosaur"}):  
        # returns true when subj, pred or obj have the desired value
        ctx[rawio.prop_out] = "You said something about a chicken, i like chickens!"

Using User-defined Signals and Implementing Q/A-States

A user can define signals as needed and implement states reacting on them. If both a signal is emitted and something is written to rawio in one state, the state needs to be defined with emit_detached=True.

React to User-defined States and Implement Q/A

Example: In one state a question is asks and then a user-defined signal is emitted that shows that the question has been stated. The other states reacts on the answer to this question.

import ravestate as rs
import ravestate_nlp as nlp
import ravestate_rawio as rawio

chicken_signal = rs.Signal("chicken signal")

def ask_chicken_question(ctx: rs.ContextWrapper):
    ctx[rawio.prop_out] = "Wanna know something awesome about chickens?"
    return rs.Emit()

    cond=chicken_signal & nlp.prop_yesno.changed(),
def answer_chicken_question(ctx: rs.ContextWrapper):
    if ctx[nlp.prop_yesno] == "yes":
        ctx[rawio.prop_out] = "Well, chicken's actually aren't that awesome."
    elif ctx[nlp.prop_yesno] == "no":
        ctx[rawio.prop_out] = "You're missing out on awesome chicken stories!"

Happy language processing to all chickens out there!